Have you ever realized how important the soil is?
Soil is the foundation of every kind of ecosystem living on earth. When planting and growing food, soil becomes a fundamental aspect to take into consideration. Soil testing is a key tool in sustainable soil management and allows us to monitor in time what’s the impact of our activities in terms of soil regeneration.
Do you want to learn more about soil testing? Come and join us. We will practice the so called Jar Test, which will give us a picture of the soil texture. In the triangle you can see how the texture of the soil varies with the composition of clay, sand and silt. Together we will then get our hands dirty and see how these elements compose the soil. We will discuss how texture impact on plant growth and other functions of the soil.
It would be great if you’d manage to bring some soil from different locations. That way we could compare different soils and see if there are differences in the texture.