The organization “Institutul de Cercetare în Permacultură din România” is organizing a Permaculture Festival!
The organization is entirely dedicated to the practice of permaculture in Romania. Together, a multidisciplinary perspective is thrown on regenerative projects. The encouraging result: permaculture has a positive impact on the environment and on communities.
To live and share the joy of nature and community, we celebrate together at Centru Permanent de Inovare, Producție și Educație în Agricultură Regenerativă.
Among the presenters:
Claudian Dobos, President of the Romania in Transition Association, Manager The Legacy| Bucharest, entrepreneur and social innovator, facilitator of educational and permaculture processes, among many others.
Adina Mos, founder of Semințe Libere and Casa Semintelor – the community’s seed bank. Member of the board of directors of the Romania in Transition Association, gardener, seed keeper, project manager, counselor for personal development, psychologist.
Our highlight:
We are especially excited to have Cosmina and Șerban Dinu come and tell us about the challenges and opportunities of permaculture. As co-founders of the “Pastured Poultry Farm” (winning project Empowering Women in Agriculture Romania 2020) and the community “ROMO: From Producers to Consumers” (selected project IKEA & NESsT Social Entrepreneurship Romania 2022), the two have a lot of know-how that they are happy to share with interested people.
Dear nature lovers, it pays off!
Come as you are, as a friend!