Microtraining in Romania
Ready for a little thought experiment?
As a result of climate change, your city has been flooded. Together with other inhabitants you flee on four boats. During the journey, the boats are separated by a storm and so you end up on four different islands.
On the first island there is drought. It hasn’t rained for months and you have to come up with something to grow vegetables and secure your supplies.
An oil tanker has had an accident off the coast of the second island. The oil slick is spreading ominously and poisoning the water and the animals.
The third island is struggling with a gigantic flood. How can you stop the water?
The fourth island has been hit by huge downpours. These led to soil erosion.
Get creative! Who will find the best water solutions and survive?
During a micro-training in Romania, the participants put themselves in these different scenarios. Their goal: to playfully and with a lot of creativity find sensible solutions for water management and learn to appreciate the value of water resources. When it comes to concrete survival, sustainability is no longer just a buzzword. This playful challenge not only stimulated the grey cells, but also invited people to go with the flow of time and think of water in a new way!

Water is life!
Did you know that only 0.375% of the total water on our blue planet is accessible to us humans?
Some more facts…
70% of our Earth’s surface is water
93.8% is ocean water
2.5% is fresh water
0.3% of water is in lakes & ponds
0.06%is in soil & forests
0.03% is in rivers
0.035% is in the atmosphere

“Water is the driving force of all nature.” — Leonardo da Vinci